Friday, January 25, 2013


The past couple of nights I haven't slept well. I tried to think about what I wasn't doing right. I thought back to a similar situation. For a long time, especially since getting sick in my stomach and throwing up at LifeTime, my stomach has hurt off and on. Then I realized, I wasn't getting enough leafy greens. I've been regularly eating spinach ever since and had zero problems. Then I realized that if exercised more, I would sleep better. On days I don't necessarily exercise, I can much more easily get away with six hours of sleep. When I was obsessed with exercise, I could never understand how people could go multiple days in a row with six or less, no problem. Now I understand. So how many trips to the doc and medicine purchases could be avoided if people just thought about how you are supposed to take care of your body and how they are differing from that? Soon I'll talk about what happened to exercise in my life.
Today I officially decided the grades I enjoy subbing the most is 6th grade and under. When I first started, I would have wholeheartedly assumed it would be the opposite. Older kids are not much fun. First of all, as a sub not much is required. You give them their assignment and then you don't really do anything the rest of class, except make sure they are on task. With younger kids, you actually teach more, you interact with and help them. It's so much more enjoyable. And the older kids are so focused on themselves they most certainly don't care about you. As a whole, they are disrespectful, lazy and just do whatever they want. I thought it was amusing to realize that teens actually and truly, in my opinion, need to be babysat more than younger kids. All I did today was walk around the computer lab and say, 'please get off YouTube and work on your assignment.' 'Please get off Facebook and stay on task.' Little kids actually do what you ask them to unless they have behavior problems.
Most people with a college degree currently have a job in something other than what they studied. I like to ask people what they would have studied, knowing what they know now. Recently that was asked of me, and I didn't have an answer. But now I think I would have studied something along the lines of 4th grade ESL, because that has easily been my favorite. I love speaking Spanish with them. The kids are sponges, they are young enough to actually follow your authority and old enough to have some sort of personality and conversation. Greenville would have been great for both of those. And summers off!! At this point, I've spent my whole life at a desk and I'm sick of it. And the last thing I want is to accumulate more loans. But Texas has an Alternative Education Degree that is accelerated for a year. Something to consider.

"Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. In order to achieve happiness, it is imperative to gain mastery of your body. If at the age of 30 you are stiff and out of shape, you are old. If at 60 you are supple and strong then you are young."  Joseph Pilates

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