Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bleacher Report

I always said in college that if I didn't get degrees in Spanish and Exercise Science, I would have enjoyed studying Journalism or Psychology.  I loveee trying to figure out why people behave the way they do.  I found both my psychology classes in college interesting.  But I guess, now that I think about it, I'm not sure what one does with a Psych major.  Anyways, whenever I meet someone, I always have to know how old they are, where they are from and other similar information, because it helps explain why they do certain things.
In high school I really enjoyed Journalism class and writing for the school newspaper. I loved getting the information, making the sentences perfect, presenting new and creative ideas, putting the pictures together, etc. My favorite was sports journalism. I loved divulging my opinions on football and basketball and the latest story lines in those sports, at any level. I always told myself to write for the Greenville school paper, but I never did.
At the very beginning of 2012 I came across a website called It's a sports website and all the contributors are amateurs. Then I found an ad to apply and do it myself! I was pretty excited and applied immediately. I knew I was a decent writer with ideas that were not common or everyday. I got accepted and got to work right away. I loved getting all the facts and sentences and ideas just right. I know some people would think writing articles would be boring but I found it quite enjoyable. I also became almost-obsessed with the view/comment counts. It keeps track of how many people see the article and at certain plateaus you get rewards that help you move up the ladder. When I published a piece, I would constantly check the article's progress and stats. I learned a lot from that experience. I learned that I did not know anywhere near as much as I used to about sports, that I shouldn't write about things I'm not an expert in, among other things. After Katie, I also realized that it was a waste of my time. It wasn't even hard to let it go. I did not have to wrestle with giving B/R up because there was no way I could justify regularly keeping up on millionaires who carry a ball across a white line, let alone several hours writing articles. There's no way seriously following and even looking up to babies who play a game was a good idea. There is no time to waste. We have to answer God's mission now. I could not see how B/R would help me further the Kingdom. And if I was going to be good at it, I'd have to spend even more hours on ESPN just so I would know what the heck I was talking about. After the SuperBowl, which I'm watching right now, I'm not even going to get on or for a while, probably until LeBron is in the Finals.  
Now I already have a post about sports so I'm not saying I'm cutting it off completely.  But now I just see it as a way to be social, so I doubt I'll spend time on it anymore if it's by myself.
It looks like the Ravens are going to win and I don't mind seeing Ray Lewis go out on top.  No player in history has ever won The Big Game 12 years apart.  

Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.

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